《國際金融法導讀(國際經濟法導讀叢書)》書評 ——
研究生 2001-6-23 10:22:53
1) 國際投資
2) 國際貿易
3) 國際商務程序
4) 國際商務組織
5) 國際金融
With “International Business Law & WTO ,” a comprehensive handbook on international business law comes into being . Covering the whole range of modern business law , the handbook consists of five volumes , each contributing to a carefully defined branch of business law :
1) International Investment
2) International commerce
3) International Business Procedure
4) International Business Organization
5) International Finance
For lawyers practicing in the field of Chinese business law , the volumes of utmost importance and value . Not only do they comprise the texts of current Chinese legislation and international agreements ratified by China , but also contain the relevant case law and precedent , thus also enabling the foreign readers to understand the practical outcome of the application of these legislation . Thus Professor Fan established a standard work in international trade with China . Mr.Fan spent a considerable time at my Germany institute doing research in the fields of German and European business and states in international trade ,and having full knowledge of the western legal culture and business environment , he is somewhat predestined to edit such standard work on international business law . I hope that an English translation of the work will be available soon , so that the handbook shall receive the international distribution acknowledgement it deserves .
Prof.Dr.jur.Dr.rer.pol.Dr.h.c.Franz Jürgen Säcker , Director of german and european economic Law, Free University Berlin, Germany
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