- 編號:70033
- 書名:簡明國際商事仲裁法律與實(shí)踐英文教程
- 作者:石現(xiàn)明
- 出版社:法律
- 出版時(shí)間:2016年7月
- 入庫時(shí)間:2016-9-12
- 定價(jià):36
Chapter ⅠAn Overview of International Commercial Arbitration
Section 1Arbitration in General
1.Definition and features of arbitration
2.Legal nature of arbitration
3.Types of arbitration
Section 2International Commercial Arbitration and the Merits
1.Definition of international commercial arbitration
2.Merits of international commercial arbitration
Section 3Sources of international Commercial Arbitration Law
1.National arbitration laws
2.International arbitration conventions
3.Arbitration rules
4.Sources of arbitration law in China
Section 4International Commercial Arbitration Institutions
1.Leading arbitration institutions in foreign jurisdictions
2.Foreignrelated arbitration institutions in China
Chapter ⅡArbitration Agreement in International Commercial Arbitration
Section 1Arbitration Agreement in General
1.The importance of arbitration agreement
2.Definition of arbitration agreement
3.Types of arbitration agreement
4.Subjects of arbitration agreement
5.Objects of arbitration agreement
Section 2Form and Contents of Arbitration Agreement
1.Form of arbitration agreement
2.Contents of arbitration agreement
3.Form and contents of arbitration agreement in China
Section 3Validity of International Arbitration Agreement and the Applicable Law
1.Validity of international arbitration agreement
2.Applicable law of international arbitration agreement
3.Defective arbitration agreement
Section 4Effects,Enforcement and Termination of Arbitration Agreement
1.Effects of arbitration agreement
2.Enforcement of arbitration agreement
3.Termination of arbitration agreement
Section 5Autonomy of Arbitration Agreement
1.The principle of autonomy of arbitration agreement
2.The principle of competencecompetence
Chapter ⅢArbitrator and Arbitral Tribunal in International Commercial Arbitration
Section 1Arbitrator in General
1.Status of arbitrator
2.Qualifications of arbitrator
3.Independence and impartiality of arbitrator
Section 2Appointment of Arbitrator and Constitution of Arbitral Tribunal
1.Number of arbitrators
2.Selection and appointment of arbitrator
Section 3Challenging and Replacing Arbitrator
1.Challenging arbitrator
2.Replacing arbitrator
Section 4Powers,Rights,Duties and Liabilities of Arbitrator
1.Powers of arbitrator
2.Rights of arbitrator
3.Duties of arbitrator
4.Liabilities of arbitrator
Chapter ⅣProcedures of International Commercial Arbitration
Section 1Procedural Rules of International Commercial Arbitration
1.Diminishing roles of the law of the arbitral seat
2.Determination of procedural rules in international commercial arbitration
3.Determination of procedural rules in China
Section 2Procedural Steps of International Commercial Arbitration
1.Commencement of the arbitral proceedings
2.Constitution of the arbitral tribunal
3.Written submissions
5.Deliberation of the arbitral tribunal
6.Closing and termination of the arbitral proceedings
7.Making and publication of award
8.Procedural steps of arbitration in China
Section 3Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration
1. The parties’ autonomy and the arbitral tribunal’s discretion to determine rules of evidence
2.Categories of evidence
3.Sources of evidence
4.Discovery of evidence
5.Admission of evidence
6.Evidentiary rules in arbitration in China
Section 4Provisional Measure in International Commercial Arbitration
1.Definition and objectives of provisional measure
2.Types of provisional measure
3.Prerequisites for ordering provisional measure
4.Authorities to order provisional measure
5.Enforcement of provisional measure ordered by the arbitral tribunal
6.Provisional measure in arbitration in China
Section 5Other Procedural Issues in International Commercial Arbitration
1.Seat of arbitration
2.Consolidation and Joinder
3.Defaulting proceedings
4.Language of arbitration
5.Presentation in arbitration
Chapter ⅤArbitral Award of International Commercial Arbitration
Section 1Arbitral Award in General
1.Definition of arbitral award
2.Types of arbitral award
3.Form and Contents of arbitral award
Section 2The Law Applicable to the Substance of the Dispute
1.Sources of substantive law
2.Determination of substantive law
Section 3Rules of Making International Commercial Arbitral Award
1.Time limit for making arbitral award
2.Mechanism of making arbitral award
3.Notification and deposit of arbitral award
Section 4Effects of International Commercial Arbitral Award
1.Termination of the arbitrators’ jurisdiction
2.Res Judicata of the award
3.Enforceability of the award
Chapter ⅥChallenge to Award in International Commercial Arbitration
Section 1General Introduction
1.Meaning and purpose of challenge
2.Conditions of challenge
3.Place of challenge
4.Time limit of challenge
5.Exclusion and waiver of the right to challenge
Section 2Grounds for Challenging International Arbitral Award
1.Grounds under the Model Law
2.Grounds wider than those under the Model Law
3.Grounds narrower than those under the Model Law
Section 3Means,Remedies and Consequences of Challenging Arbitral Award
1.Means of challenge
2.Remedies and legal consequences
Section 4Challenging ForeignRelated Arbitral Award in China
1.The statutory provisions on challenge of foreignrelated arbitral award
2.The problems of the regimes of challenging foreignrelated arbitral award
Chapter ⅦRecognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award
Section 1General Introduction
1.Meaning of foreign award
2.Deference between recognition and enforcement
3.Prerequisites for recognition and enforcement
4.Procedures and methods of recognition and enforcement
Section 2Conventions on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Award
1.The New York Convention
2.Other conventions
Section 3Refusing Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Award
1.Grounds to refuse recognition and enforcement
2.Waiver and preclusion of the defenses to recognition and enforcement
3.Consequence of refusal of recognition and enforcement
Section 4Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Award in China
1.The legal framework for enforcement of foreign award
2.The legal rules on enforcement of foreign award
3.Recognition and enforcement in the Mainland of award made in Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan